
Sandesh Rana | Python

I'm a developer from Himalayas, with a passion for crafting efficient and elegant code, with creativity and precision.

Django to electron desktop application

05 Jun 2023 » linux, django, electron



Django application is python-based web framework that follows the model–template–views architectural pattern. This contain server which respond to client’s request but django application need to start application from command prompt which need some technical knowledge.

Some clients may find scary to write command in command prompt. So to reduce the friction between application and user, we created an application in electron so that end-user could open their application in one-click.

Instruction (For Linux User)

I have released version 1.0.0 of the project, and users can download it from the release page.

To run the downloaded release, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the release package from webdesk-1.0.0 to a local directory on your computer.
  2. Unpack the downloaded file. The specific steps may vary depending on your operating system.
  3. Once unpacked, navigate to the Webdesk-linux-x64 directory.
  4. Open a terminal or command prompt in that directory.
  5. Run the following command to start the Web Desktop application:
    $ ./Webdesk

This command will launch the Web Desktop application using the provided executable file.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please let me know. Also everyone is welcome to star and involve in project.

Reference: https://github.com/vimm0/web-desktop